Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Exemplar Sections- Foster & Partners

Foster & Partners
Chesa Futura Appartments
St Moritz, Switzerland

Why the building was chosen as an exemplar section relevant to my solution to the HSW:

Why the building was chosen (relevance)- The Chesa Futura apartments created an environmentally benign and sustainable form of building which is why it was chosen as number five of the exemplar sections. For my building I had modelled it off the Melbourne CH2 Building in terms of heat flow generated from the workings of a termite mound, thermal mass and green walls and roof to increase the sustainability of the building. The apartments used timber construction in a novel way as it is one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainable methods of building.  The overall form responds to the site, which was similar to HSW, in that it is set on a slope above the water. The curves of the building  allow unobstructed views down and up from the building as well as allowing for windows to circle the structure facilitating panoramic views of the water below.

Drawing techniques (how the buildings work and key aspects)- The sections show clear paths of movement through the two central cores of curving stairs coiled around lift cores. While the figures show the interactions between spaces and between the inhabitants and the artifacts. The textural qualities of the sloping site is also cleverly and simply illustrated in the landscape slopes, ground line and depth of materials.

What i hope to incorporate into my redrawn section- Clearer illustration of how my spaces are used through figures and artefects as well as how my structure fits into the context.

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